Incineraters and Bonfires

Bonfires and Waste Materials

The Tenant agrees not to deposit or permit to remain on the Allotment Plot any refuse or any decaying matter (except manure and compost in such quantities as may be reasonably required for use in cultivation) or place or allow to be placed any matter in the hedges or ditches in the allotment area or in any adjoining land.

Only materials compatible with horticulture may be brought on to the plot.

Only refuse associated directly with the use of the plot may be burned on site.

Controlled fires for appropriate use are allowed after 4.00 pm (Pollution Control and Local Government (NI) Order 1978 or similar legislation) but must not be left unattended at any time and must be fully extinguished before the Tenant leaves the site.

The Tenant agrees not to light any fire on any part of the allotment so as to allow smoke to drift or cause a nuisance or an annoyance to any person or persons, prior to 4pm.